Monday, 13 June 2011


So we ended up selling 12 out of the 20 t shirts we had. We bought each t shirt for £5 and sold them on for £10 a piece. This gave us a total profit of £20, which although is not the biggest amount in the world is good for a few days rush. The problem was getting Jill to approve our final design, this took longer than originally planned, so we never had much time to sell.

We have picked up more orders since then, which is good and means we do have the right product and have thought about this well. Even though we could not get our original idea off the ground (the portfolio website) we did learn the basics of business and what is needed to efficiently create a product and sell it. For such a big group we had a good plan of action, and strategy for us to work out what research was needed and how to implement our findings in our own product.

I personally see it takes a lot to get something out of nothing, theres so much to consider but when working in a group or with a partner, where two heads are better than one, things happen easier. It has been good to know I could rely on my group members to efficiently carry out the relevant and reliable research.

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